Explain an interpersonal conflict


Choose one (1) movie from a list provided below:

• Brooks, J. (Director). (2004). Spanglish [Film]. Los Angeles: Gracie Films.

• Cohen, B. (Producer), & Mendes, S. (Director). (1999). American beauty [Film]. Los Angeles: Dreamworks.

• Goldwyn, T. (Director). (2006). The last kiss [Film]. Los Angeles: Dreamworks.

• Haggis, P. (Director). (2004). Crash [Film]. Los Angeles: Bob Yari Productions.

• Mordaunt, W., Tadross, M. (Executive Producers), &Tennant, A. (Director). (2005). Hitch [Film]. Los Angeles: Sony Pictures.

You should Watch your selected film, identify an interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively, and create a two-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) regarding why the conflict was not handled effectively and what could have been done differently. Be sure to focus on one particular interpersonal conflict and not the movie as a whole. Films can be viewed online via streaming media sites, such as Netflix or Amazon Instant Video.



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