Describe pollination-forms of pollination

Describe briefly the term pollination? And also write down the main forms of the pollination?




The procedure in which pollen grains (or male gametophytes of phanerogamic plants) reach female gametophyte is named as pollination.

The main forms of the pollination are: anemophily, in that pollen is carried by the wind. Hydrophily, pollination helped by the water entomophily, pollen carried by the insects’ ornitophily, pollination by bird’s chiropterophily, pollen dissemination by the bats.

Characteristics of flowers of each plant species relate to type of pollination employed by plant. Colored flowers are specialized in insect and bird attraction; nocturnal flowers basically white and perfumed, many specialized in pollination by the bats; the nectar is also a specialization to attract the pollinator animals; flowers which produce an exaggerated amount of the pollen frequently use the wind as pollinator; the position of the anthers more external or internal next to nectar is a way to facilitate pollen dissemination respectively by wind or by the animals.

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