Write critically about them with proficient knowledge



The purpose of the analytic paper is to ensure understanding of the principles, concepts, and models from the course and how they relate to each other in applied practice. The analytic paper should demonstrate an understanding of the required readings and an ability to think and write critically about them with proficient knowledge.


The objectives of the analytic paper are to:

I Frame the relevance of a topic and the analytic analysis of a data set for the reader.

II Support the relevance of the topic with the seminal sources of literature that add authority to the analytic analysis.

III Use a graph or model to illustrate the data set in the analytic analysis, and briefly describe it in the analytic analysis

IV Engage with a key stakeholder (i.e. political leader, business leader, community leader) in the topic and analytic analysis, and incorporate the engagement and its impact on the topic and the analytic analysis into the discussion.

V Concisely articulate a discussion and conclusion of the data set, seminal sources of literature, graph/model, and engagement with the key stakeholder.


I. Decide on a topic for the analytic paper. It should be one that will be enjoyable to write about throughout the semester. It can be a topic from any area of interest (i.e. business, finance, law, government, world affairs, gender, inequality, discrimination, immigration, healthcare, technology, sports, food, travel, etc.). No topic is off limits.

Then, in the analytic analysis, use a data set to specifically explain the following:

• the legacy of the topic;

• the reason(s) the topic is important;

• the reason(s) the topic is not important to others; and,

Be certain to frame the relevance of the topic and the analytic analysis of a data set for the reader.

Note: If deciding on a topic is difficult, I suggest reading the newspaper or watching the news to find a topic. Often, journalists identify topics that can benefit from deeper research. Of course, I am available to meet and to discuss potential topics as well.

II. Identify seven to ten seminal sources of literature to support the relevance of the topic and that add authority to the analytic analysis.

Then, in the analytic analysis, use the seminal sources of literature to specifically support and add authority to the following:

• the reason(s) the topic adds to the existing literature;

• the reason(s) the analytic analysis is important; and,

• the reason(s) the topic is appropriate for future research

Be certain to appropriately use in-line citation of the seminal sources of the literature that add authority to the analytic analysis, and to include the full citation of the seminal sources of the literature on a reference page at the end of the analytic paper.

Note: I suggest using Google Scholar to search for the most seminal sources of literature. Also, to enhance the analytic analysis, I strongly encourage conducting personal interviews, surveys, and/ or field research wherever applicable to the analytic analysis.

III. Identify one graph or model from the required readings capable of illustrating the data set in the analytic analysis.

Then, using information from the data set, re-create that graph or model in the analytic analysis.

Be certain to briefly describe the graph or model illustrating the data set in the analytic analysis.

IV. Engage with the key stakeholder (i.e. political leader, business leader, community leader) in the topic and analytic analysis.

Then, incorporate that engagement and its impact on the topic and the analytic analysis into the discussion.

V. Discuss the key points in the data set, seminal sources of literature, graph or model, and engagement with the key stakeholder.

Then, conclude the discussion with a:

• "take-away" message;

• recommendation; and,

• suggestion for future research

When writing the analytic paper be certain to clearly articulate thoughts by completing sentences with all the information necessary to fully inform the reader of their purpose.


The analytic paper should be ten-pages, written assignments using Word or Pages in Times New Roman 12-point font, doublespacing, 1-inch margins all around.

Wherever necessary use in-line citation of the seminal sources of literature to support the relevance of the topic and that add authority to the analytic analysis, and include the full citation of the seminal sources of the literature on a reference page at the end of the analytic paper. The in-line citation and reference page should use a recognized format for citation (i.e. APA, MLA, or Chicagostyle). I suggest using RefWorks to organize the seminal sources of literature.

Please, be sure to maximize the page limit by writing concisely and completely. If the submission of the analytic paper is more than ten-pages, I will not read any of the pages after reading the tenth page. I will only grade the analytic paper based on its first tenpages. The title page and reference page do not count toward the page limit.

Do not hesitate to contact me or to make an appointment to meet with me to discuss any additional questions about the analytic paper assignment.


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Business Law and Ethics: Write critically about them with proficient knowledge
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