What are the elements of the specific model of motivation


"The Class of 2022 Is in Demand. What Do New Grads Want? Money, flexibility and specific assignments are important to those starting their careers-but so is a chance to come into an office" Ellis, Lindsay. Wall Street Journal; 18 May 2022.

"Netflix to Employees: If You Don't Like Our Content, You Can Quit; Streaming giant adds new 'artistic expression' section in first update to corporate culture guidelines since 2017" Ansari, Talal. Wall Street Journal; 13 May 2022.

The Ellis article notes four categories of employment concerns identified by recent college graduates on the job market; 1) Salary, 2) Culture and Responsibilities, 3) Flexibility, and 4) Networking. The Ansari article provides an example of some (though not all) of the ways that Culture and Responsibilities can play out in the job market with examples of Netflix and, to a lesser extent, Disney dealing with the interplay of cultural concerns and a heterogenous workforce and market.

I. Question I: Use the competing values framework (CVF) from the text (chapter 8.1) and using course concepts and terminology describe what Netflix is trying to do with its culture memo. In a second paragraph elaborate on the likely costs and benefits over the short term and long term for Netflix [hint, a 2x2 matrix may be a good way to organize your answer].

II. Question II: Pick a specific model of motivation from the text book [chapter 12] and write the following three paragraphs:

• What are the elements of this specific model of motivation - what are the terms of this model and how does it work?

• Map the Netflix culture memo onto the specifics of this model above (i.e., how do you think Netflix might imagine this will affect the motivation of their employees). As always use course concepts and terminology and correspond them to descriptions from the article.

• Using the same model, how would this impact your motivation if you were a Netflix employee? Describe how the model would explain your response.

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Marketing Management: What are the elements of the specific model of motivation
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