state the female reproductive systemthe female

State the Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive organ consists of the following:

Uterus receives fertilied ovum and featus develops in it

Two ovaries produce ova

Fallopian tubes collect ova and pass to uterus. Fertiliation takes place in it


Vulva or external genitalia

Two breasts are accessory to reproductive organs

About 450 ova are produced by a female in her entire reproductive life. During copulation million of the sperms are introduced in the vagina. The sperms are active and can move up the vagina and uterus to the fallopian tube. Finally only one sperm fertilies the ovum. Apart from producing ovum, the ovaries perform endocrine function of secreting sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.


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Biology: state the female reproductive systemthe female
Reference No:- TGS0328413

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