Review the play - the play for she kills monsters

Assignment Task: what kind of photo images would describe the character of the play written bellow about Tilly and Tilly's character in the play she kills monsters? (personal character choices such as what did she wear or would she wear (clothes), and what were her hobbies or life like etc). Give 100 examples

Helpful link to get a better understanding of what the student is writing about:

The Play for She Kills Monsters

Then read this "dear diary assignment" written by a student based off the play

Dear Diary,

I have chosen to "play" the character of Tilly Evans in the play "She Kills Monsters." As a non-binary individual, I align with Tilly's gender identity and will portray them accordingly. Additionally, I will remain consistent with Tilly's racial background, reflecting my own. The play is set in the contemporary time period, so I will maintain this throughout my portrayal.

5 years ago

Date: January 15, 2019

Today, I had a vivid dream about embarking on a quest in a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures. It felt so real, like I was actually there, fighting alongside courageous companions. I woke up feeling exhilarated yet strangely nostalgic, as if I had left a part of myself behind in that dream world. It's curious how dreams can linger in your mind long after you've awakened.

7 years old

Date: June 3, 2011

I had my first encounter with tabletop role-playing games today. My older sister, Agnes, introduced me to Dungeons & Dragons, and I was immediately captivated by the imaginative storytelling and the opportunity to inhabit a character of my own creation. It was a magical experience, and I can't wait to delve deeper into this fantastical realm of adventure and possibility.

11 years old

Date: December 10, 2015

Today marked a turning point in my life as I struggled to come to terms with my identity. I confided in Agnes about my feelings of not fitting into the conventional mold expected of me. She listened with empathy and reassured me that it's okay to be different, to embrace who I truly am. Her unwavering support gave me the courage to embrace my non-binary identity and to navigate the complexities of adolescence with greater authenticity.

14 years old

Date: September 22, 2018

High school has been a whirlwind of challenges and self-discovery. I found solace in the world of role-playing games, where I could escape the pressures of reality and explore realms of magic and heroism. Through these games, I forged meaningful connections with fellow adventurers who accepted me for who I am. Despite the uncertainties that lie ahead, I am grateful for the friendships and experiences that continue to shape my journey.

17 years old

Date: May 5, 2021

Today, tragedy struck our family as we lost Agnes in a car accident. The pain of her absence weighs heavily on my heart, yet I find solace in the memories we shared and the lessons she imparted. In her honor, I have decided to embark on a quest of my own, inspired by the courage and resilience she embodied. As I step into the unknown, I carry her spirit with me, guiding me through the challenges that lie ahead.

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