objectives of career development career

Objectives of career development: career development theories and decision making models:

1. Career development theories career, vocation, educational, occupational and labour market information resources, visual and print media, computer based career information systems, and other electronic career information systems.

2. Career development programme planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation.

3. Career development programme planning, among and b/w work, family, and other life roles and factors including the role of diversity and gender in career development.,

4. Career and educational planning, placement, follow up, and evaluation.

5. Assessment instruments and techniques that are relevant to career development and decision making.

6. Technology based career development applications and strategies, including computer assisted career guidance and information systems and appropriate World Wide Web sites.

7. Career counselling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable to the employees; and

8. Ethical and legal considerations.

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HR Management: objectives of career development career
Reference No:- TGS0307188

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