How do you portray yourself

Question 1: Take a fictional TV show or movie and imagine it depicts real events. Try to turn it into a short hard news story and see if others can guess what show or movie you're "reporting." 

Question 2: If you could interview any real person in history, alive or dead, who would you choose? Come up with a short list of about 3 such individuals.

Now that you have your list of interviewees, consider what questions you would ask. Imagine you are only allowed to ask 3 questions for each. What would they be?

Now explain your choices. Why these people, why those questions? Do you notice anything about the kind of information you are seeking? Do you tend to be more interested in events or in character? What is your interest as a reader of profiles?

Question 3: How do you portray yourself?  A simple way we construct ourselves, the traits or attitudes we wish to broadcast as our character, is the choice of images we use as our internet stand-ins. Do you have a representative picture of yourself you use in social media? Explain what it is about the image that suits you, why you feel it represents you (or doesn't), and what strategies of social interaction you feel it performs (i.e. what messages you are sending people about how you want them to treat you and behave around you). You may want to go one step further. You could try to depict yourself as you think other people see you. You could imagine several avatars: the way you are, the way you would like to be, the way you believe other people want you to be or conceive you to be.

Question 4: Find a TV news story online (YouTube has countless). Provide the link and then discuss the techniques you see being used, anything from reader to narration, SOT, VO, TV package, stand-up, and so forth. How is the story paced? Is the story a good one for the medium (does it feel like a real story or an excuse to entertain viewers?). What in your opinion works well or doesn't if you feel something could be improved?

Question 5: Find any current news story in print and think about how you would shoot it for TV news.  Storyboard you plan. You could even sketch it out, scan and upload your picture file, or just provide a bullet list of shots, noting camerawork and composition. How would the story-telling work? Would there be voice-over narration, a stand-up, and interview subjects? How much and what details from the story background would you use?

Give us a link to the online print story and then your "Storyboard" below it.

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Reference No:- TGS03274325

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