Diiscussion of the cross-cultural validity

Question 1. A discussion of the role of the industrial/organizational psychologist in the pre-screening process.

Question 2. A discussion of common techniques used for the assessment of characteristics that are frequently used for selection of employees, including cognitive ability, personality, and emotional intelligence tests.

Question 3. A description of the reliability and validity of specific screening instruments representing cognitive ability, personality, and emotional intelligence tests.

Question 4. A discussion of the cross-cultural validity findings among the cognitive ability, personality and emotional intelligence tests selected.

Question 5. A discussion of how to interpret the findings of the pre-screening tests. For example, do some personality tendencies lend better to certain occupations than others?

Question 6. A discussion of how these tests fit in the context of the hiring process.

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Other Management: Diiscussion of the cross-cultural validity
Reference No:- TGS01867808

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