development of psychiatric nursing in other


Although the scientific findings rejected the belief that mental disturbance was the devil's work, the earliest asylums were no better than cellar dungeons. The unfortunate inmates lived and died amidst conditions of incredible filth and cruelty. 

History of Psychiatric Nursing before 1860s 

History of psychiatric nursing is discussed in  various countries. 

In France 

Humanitarian reform of mental hospitals received its first credits from the work of Philippe Pinel (I  745-1  826) in  France. He  removed the chains from some of the inmates as an  experiment to test his views that mental patients should  be treated with  kindness and consideration. It proved to be  a great success. Chains were  removed, sunny  rooms were provided, patients were permitted  to exercise on  the hospital grounds, and kindliness was extended to them. Philippe Pinel's work brought kindness in  the forefront of humane treatment for the mentally disturbed.  

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Biology: development of psychiatric nursing in other
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