classification1 in accordance to cylinder


(1)  In accordance to Cylinder Axis: Engine can be vertical or horizontal.

(2)  In accordance to action of steam: Can be single acting or double acting.

(3)  In accordance to number of cylinders: Can be single or multi cylinder (Compounded).

(4)  In accordance to method of steam exhaust: Condensing or Non condensing. In condensing type engines the engine discharges into a condenser where exhaust is converted to water.

(5)  In accordance to speed of crankshaft: Low (< 100 rpm), Medium (100 - 200 rpm ) and High

(> 200 rpm).

(6)  In accordance to Valve gear used: Slide Valve (D type) / Poppet valve.

(7)  In accordance to type of service: Stationary / Mobile

(8)  In accordance to cylinder Arrangement: Tandem Type / Cross Compounded.

(9)  In accordance to Method of Governing: Throttling Steam Engine / Automatic Cut off engine.



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Mechanical Engineering: classification1 in accordance to cylinder
Reference No:- TGS0175035

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