chestobserve for retraction of the intercostal


  1. Observe for retraction of the intercostal muscle which is indicative of severe respiratory distress (a sign of hyaline membrane 
  2. disease). 
  3. Inspect the breast for size, symmetry, colour, turgor and discharge.
  4. Ascultate the chest for adequate air entry in both the lungs; colour is a very good indicator of lung function and provides information 
  5. of tissue oxygenation and also cardiac condition. 
  6. Check the respiratory rate, if it is elevated then it is abnormal. Initially till infant is stabilized respiratory rate will fluctuate. 
  7. Check for the heart sound; if there is'any murmur or extra beat, observe if infant becomes cynotic when he criess

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Biology: chestobserve for retraction of the intercostal
Reference No:- TGS0176427

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