Are you self-medicating with weed, alcohol, drugs

Problem: Please watch this video from on Emotion, Stress, and Health and think about the current stressors in your life at the moment. Most of us are trying to keep some semblance of normalcy in a time in history that is anything but "normal". I was thinking about what I would normally write in this discussion - the stress response (fight, flight or freeze), the effects of stress on our bodies and psychological well-being, etc. I've decided, however, to focus on all of us in this class. You, me, and the whole group. How are YOU doing? How are you coping with all that is going on in YOUR world with COVID, your family, your relationships, your health, your job... Many of you are supporting your entire family. Many of you are assisting your younger siblings or children with remote schooling. Some of you are caring for your elderly parents or other relatives. Many of us have experienced the death of a loved one. The list goes on and on and on. How is all this craziness and stress sitting with you? Are you depressed? Overwhelmed? Numb? Are you self-medicating with weed, alcohol, drugs (legal and/or illegal)

YouTube Video: Emotion, Stress, and Health: Crash Course Psychology #26

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