Free rein or laissez faire leader

Free rein or laissez faire leader

Free rein or laissez faire leader does not lead but leaves the groups entirely to itself. He is represented by the chairman of the board who does not manage but leaves all the responsibility for most of the work to his subordinate the free rein leadership avoids power. He mainly depend on the on the group to establish its own goals and workout on its own problems. Group member work them self and provide the own motivation to the people. The leader exists a contact person with the outside for bring for his groups the information and the recourses it needs to accomplish its job.

Free rein leader ship ignore the manager contribution in the same way as the autocratic leader is ignore that of the groups it fails to give the groups the advantage of the leader inspire motivation . the leader is completely abdicates his leadership position gives al the responsibility to the all work to groups which he is support to lead , limiting to the authority to maintain the contact of the group with the person outside the groups this is also known as permissive style of leadership where there is least intervention by the leader abdication of the authority and letting the and operate entirely on his own his mode of direction can produce goods and quick results and the subordinate  is high educated people who have a sincere desire to go ahead and perform and their responsibility 

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