Evolution of protochordate species

Evolutionarily protochordates can be intermediate animals between the invertebrates and vertebrates. Consider the scientist is testing hypothesis, which states that vertebrates are evolved from echinoderms. Being research objects a newly evolved protochordate species, write down example of discovery that would weaken hypothesis?




Hypothesis which is to be tested: Vertebrates are developed from echinoderms.

Testing material: The newly originated protochordate species (which says: a vertebrate forerunner).

Example of weakening observation (which places the new protochordate species evolutionarily very far from the echinoderms): “New species is protostome”, in comparison to the echinoderms, which are deuterostomes. This observation provides the suspicion which says that the deuterostomy in vertebrates is independent in origin from the echinoderms.

Example of strengthening observation (that nears the new protochordate species to echinoderms): “The new species has secondary radial symmetry”, which is same as that to the echinoderms. This observation makes hypothesis stronger that the echinoderms and vertebrates are also relatives.

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