
Why human infants are extremely vulnerable at birth

Assignment task:


Human infants are extremely vulnerable at birth compared to most other species. While many baby animals are able to run around shortly after birth, and even respond to threats, human babies cannot even support the weight of their own heads. They require special nurturing to grow and thrive. This care begins even before the child is born. As an early childhood professional, it is important that you understand the unique needs of babies before and after birth so that you can offer support to families of children in your sphere.

For this Performance Task, you will adopt the role of the owner/director of an in-home childcare center. Each month, you provide the families of your children with information about child development and resources that they can use to explore in greater depth.

Some of the families of children in your care have asked you for some resources about prenatal and newborn development. You have agreed to provide them with a list of resources.

Professional Skill: Information Literacy is assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric and adhere to the required length. This Assessment requires submission of one file.  Save your completed Word document as ED1002_firstinitial_lastname (for example, ED1002_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Create a resource list using a Word document.

For each topic listed below, provide at least two credible web-based resources. One of these resources may be drawn from the course materials, but at least one for each concept should be the result of your own search for current and credible resources on the topic.

For each resource, provide a link to the website and a brief (one paragraph) annotation outlining the key concepts addressed in this resource.


  • Stages of prenatal development
  • Environmental influences on the developing child in utero
  • Stages of childbirth

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively. Need Assignment Help?

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Other Subject: Why human infants are extremely vulnerable at birth
Reference No:- TGS03449993

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