Why do you think you found your example engaging


Health information reaches the public through a variety of channels, from formal education, social media, healthcare providers, or trusted sources such as family members and even celebrities. Sometimes this information is accurate, but sometimes it is far from evidence-based or scientific. Historically, Hollywood films, television shows, and daytime programs such as soap operas and talk shows have been used to engage the public visually, viscerally, and emotionally. Incorporating health themes into storytelling has the potential to open up audiences to health issues and inspire them to engage in a broader discussion of the public health challenges facing society. In fact, research studies have demonstrated that a good film can also teach scientists and public health professionals how to become better communicators and storytellers themselves.

A. What are some narrative techniques and strategies that you have observed in films and documentaries that effectively engaged you concerning issues such as Ebola outbreaks, HIV/AIDS education and awareness, or obesity prevention? Examples might include SuperSize Me, Outbreak, Fed Up, Contagion, Unnatural Causes from PBS, or the Dallas Buyers Club.

a. Why do you think you found your example engaging?

B. What generalizations can you make about how Hollywood employs storytelling?

a. How can public health professionals influence story ideas or encourage the entertainment industry to use better health information?

C. How do ethical dilemmas inherent in the use of strategic storytelling persuade people, in particular, relative to their personal faith and ethics?

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