Which theories of social structure best explain the behavior

Assignment task: You are a state legislator considering a bill that would create a law enforcement policy to crack down on gang-related crimes within your state. As the first step, you would like to understand the underlying causes of gang activities and the reasons why youth of underprivileged backgrounds tend to join gangs. You hire a criminologist to conduct some field research to help you better understand the root causes of the issue. After several months of interviews with gang members and field observations, the researcher shares their findings with you. Their findings suggest that the majority of these youth were born and raised in poor families with minimal means of achieving their goals of attending school and/or having legitimate jobs. Their economic realities prevented them from reaching culturally approved goals. Most of them decided to drop out of school in their teen years because selling drugs or stealing goods was easier and more lucrative than a high school diploma. Between the ages of 15-18, they joined their local gangs who were engaged in violent or property crimes. Prompts: Prompt A: Which theories of Social Structure best explain the behavior of the study population (underprivileged youth who turned into gang members)?

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Other Subject: Which theories of social structure best explain the behavior
Reference No:- TGS03402684

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