When you are delivering goods you are working and

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The challenges of managing the operations of a company that delivers goods as opposed to managing the operations of a company that delivers services can be similar at times but yet they are different. Many services involve a high degree of customer contact (depends on the service). When you are delivering a service, it takes good communication skills on the part of the person delivering the service.

When you are delivering goods, you are working and communicating with your suppliers. They provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods. If they have a problem at their plant, then it can affect the output of your product. Both services and product oriented businesses require good communication skills. Monitoring and controlling costs and productivity; location planning, inventory management, quality control, and scheduling are also similar trademarks of a services and product oriented businesses.

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Dissertation: When you are delivering goods you are working and
Reference No:- TGS02499693

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