What it means to be a responsible reasoner

Problem: Based upon your understanding of the readings and the Michael Shermer videos you watched, please write a 3 - 6 page paper that effectively communicates the following (note-the paper will be in two parts):

Part one: One part of understanding this module is to understand what it means to be a responsible reasoner. As part of this understanding, please choose the three fallacies from the reading that you think are most important, explain the fallacies, and defend why you think they are the most important. In the course of writing this section, please also explain the difference between formal and informal fallacies.

Part two: In the second part of the paper explain the most important thing you learned from the talks by Michael Shermer. While he may not have used the same language, some of the examples he discussed were examples of some of the fallacies you read about. Clarify and explain at least two fallacies from your reading that Michael Shermer talked about (try to provide specific examples, if possible).

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Reference No:- TGS03363542

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