what is the working of definition phase in the

What is the working of definition phase in the project management?

Definition phase:

After the project plan that developed into the initiation phase, has been approved, and the project enters the second phase is termed as the definition phase. In this phase, the needs that are related with a project outcome are given as clearly as possible. It includes identifying the expectations which all of the included parties have regarding the project outcome. How many files would be archived? Must the metadata conform to the Data Documentation Initiative configuration, or will the Dublin Core (DC) format suffice? May all files be deposited into their original format, or will merely those which conform to the ‘Preferred Standards’ be admitted? Should the depositor of a dataset make sure that that has been processed sufficiently in the archive, or is that the responsibility of the archivist? And which guarantees will be created onto the results of the project? The list of many questions goes on and on.

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Project Management: what is the working of definition phase in the
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