What is the median starting pay for this job what education


1. What is your major/minor? For the purposes of this assignment, pick one you might be interested in if you don't have one declared yet.

2. Whether you have made a final decision about a career choice or not, choose one for the purposes of this assignment. What is that choice?

3. Go bls gov website and find the job choice that most closely matches your choice from 2.a. above and then provide the following facts and figures:

1. What is the 2016 (or most recent year available) median pay?
2. Number of jobs, 2015 (or most recent year available)?
3. Job growth outlook?
4. How does the growth outlook in your chosen area compare with others?
5. What education level is generally required for entry-level work?
6. What is the work environment like?

4. Go to payscale website and find the job choice that most closely matches your choice from 2.a. above and then provide the following facts and figures:

1. What is the median starting pay for this job?

2. Mid-career median pay?

3. Late-career?

5. Find at least one other site that gives salary and/or job growth stats, cite it with a working link and provide as much of the data requested in questions 3 and 4.

6. Prior to this assignment, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being "I had no idea whatsoever," how aware were you of:

1. Starting and median salary information about your career choice?
2. Job growth rates?
3. The anticipated standard of living based on our recent in-class cost-of-living discussion?

7. If you were previously aware of this type of information about your prospective career/major choice, how so (independent research, professors, other)? If not, what class or classes do you feel should discuss these issues?

8. Considering the information you researched above, please indicate on a scale of 1-10, how satisfied do you think you'll be about your anticipated career's expected

1. work/life balance
2. psychological fulfillment
3. income potential

9. On scale of 1-10, 10 being "absolutely sure," how confident are you in this major/career choice? Why or why not?

10. Please give me some brief feedback separately (in the same document) about the assignments listed above.

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Financial Accounting: What is the median starting pay for this job what education
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