What is the human behavioral ecology model perspective

Question 1: What is the human behavioral ecology model perspective? 

Question 2: List the conditions that human's shared common ancestors lived under for hundreds of thousands of years.(Hint Humans have been Scavengers , Foragers Gathers for the majority of our time on this Earth - living off the earth)

Evolutionary biologists believe we have inherited parts of our minds shaped by the evolutionary pressures felt by our stone-age ancestors.  These are the adaptations that made their way into our biology.

Question 3: Select one example to demonstrate how evolutionary behavioral ecologists view the phenomenon of what we have inherited.

Question 4: How do Evolutionary psychologists explain Altruism or the Cinderella effect in Humans?

Question 5: What are the assumptions about our health and stress that Eco-psychology makes?

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Reference No:- TGS03370901

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