What is the different authors perspective evidence or claim

Presentation Assignment #3 Shared Security Issue/Topic Paper

The student will select one of the over twenty topics below, research no less than three articles, preferably five, regarding the following subjects, or issues below. The student should take care to select academic, or professional articles of substance to be included in their research so it adds learning value. Use newspaper articles and other secondary sources sparingly.

The paper should answer ALL of the following questions:

Introduce the importance of the security issue/topic. Introduce, state articles that will be reviewed; this should include, why you selected the issue and/or topic and providing a CLEAR PURPOSE STATEMENT.

What is the different author's perspective, evidence, or claim regarding the topic, or issue?

Compare and contrast the articles. Where do they agree, or do NOT agree? If there is some uncertainty, please state the reasons why while discussing any implications.

How does this reading align with the textbook?

The paper will follow APA (5 pages, double spaced, 12 Font, Times New Roman) guidelines and will include a cover page with the student's name, title, and date submitted.

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Dissertation: What is the different authors perspective evidence or claim
Reference No:- TGS02432509

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