What causes diners to pick mcdonalds over burger king


For this assignment, you will identify an issue or a company to research. This can be an issue relating to a product (such as Starbucks Blonde Roast), brand awareness (consumer brand perception of Target versus Wal-Mart), or anything relating to marketing research from a business perspective. Carefully review the Defining the Research Problem (See The Research Process Tripod) to understand how to approach this assignment and to help you with the process of identifying a valid company or issue and related research problem.

Clearly state the company or issue of focus and the research problem to be studied in 300-500 words. You need to be specific here, and clearly identify one specific problems that should be researched, posing the specific problem as a question. (For example, does Starbucks Blonde Roast increase the consumer base for the company? Or how do customers compare Target and Wal-Mart in terms of product quality in the Lynchburg, Virginia area? What causes diners to pick McDonalds over Burger King for lunch? Or, as a final example: is the price of V8 V-Fusion a major factor in purchase decision for a consumer?). You need to state what the problem is, why studying this problem is important, and what the variables are (price, brand awareness, location, and age are examples of variables).

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What causes diners to pick mcdonalds over burger king
Reference No:- TGS02079924

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