What assumptions are made in the film


The Film: Rabbitt Proof Fence

The film you choose might not be set in one of the time periods or imperial locations examined in the book; however, there might be common themes between the examples in the book and the film. In other words, how did what you learned in Gender Rules help you better understand the gendered aspects of the film? What concepts from the book's historical examples, regarding how Europeans enacted and imposed (or circumvented) their gender norms on themselves and on the colonial subjects do you see in the film? And what about the colonized? How do they adopt new gender norms, reject them, or synthesize them with their own culture's gender norms? What assumptions are made in the film and who is making them? Where do you see gender cut across lines of race and class in the film, under the umbrella of imperialism?

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History: What assumptions are made in the film
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