What are your favorite passages from anne bradstreet

Assignment task: What are some of your favorite passages from Anne Bradstreet? Why do you respond so positively to these particular passages?

Anne Bradstreet is considered to be America's first poet. Even in her poetry, she tends to describe what life was like during this period in America. Choose one of her poems and tell what she is describing in colonial America.

Read the following in your textbook:

Benjamin Franklin, pp. 185-201

"Benjamin Franklin: 1706-1790"

"The Way to Wealth: Preface to Poor Richard Improved"

"The Speech of Miss Polly Baker"

"Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America"

We all know Benjamin Franklin as being a great inventor; but his written works reveals a fascinating, and perhaps unexpected, range of interests, abilities, and perspectives.  Choose one of his works, and discuss what Franklin's message is to his fellow Americans.  You may choose a work that has not been assigned.

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