What are the disadvantages of shared hosting what is the


1. Explain the principle of convention-over-configuration.

2. Why does a template's file name have the .html.erb extension?

3. What must be placed in an application's controller class?

4. What kinds of operations are provided by the action methods generated by scaffold?

5. Describe the command that is used to add a column to a table of a database in Rails.

6. Identify and briefly describe at least four different server- side development technologies.

Connolly, R., & Hoar, R. (2015). Fundamentals of web development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 19: Questions

1. What are the four types of host available to you?

2. What are the disadvantages of shared hosting?

3. What is the difference between collocated hosting and dedicated hosting?

5. How many sites can be hosted on the same server?

6. Why is serving multiple requests from the same connection more efficient?

7. What are the risks of serving multiple requests on the same connection?

8. Why is the first-listed VirtualHost special?

9. How does HTTP caching relate to Apache caching?

10. How does the server distinguish between file types?

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Computer Engineering: What are the disadvantages of shared hosting what is the
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