What advice you offer who are training to become teachers


I. As discussed in the Physical Alterations lecture, tattoos have become a very popular form of self-expression. If YOU have any tattoos, we'd like you to share your tattoo-related experiences. What was your first tattoo? What motivated you to get it? What does it do for you? What personal meaning does it hold for you? Have you received any "push back" from others, as a result? If you have multiple tattoos, how many do you have? Do you think that a minor should be able to get a tattoo without parental consent? If so, at what age do you think it should be acceptable and WHY? Do you have any regrets regarding any of your tattoos? Do you have any advice for someone who might be thinking about getting a tattoo?

II. If you do NOT have any tattoos, why have you (at least thus far) made the decision NOT to get one? Do you think that you will likely get one someday? Why/Why not? Do you find some tattoos on others to be "more acceptable" than others (for example...it is fine if it is on one's arm, but not if it is on one's face or neck)? Have you ever found yourself to be "negatively inclined" toward someone because of their tattoos? What conclusions do you reach, when you see someone with visible tattoos in a professional setting? Does this have any impact your personal decision not to get one? Do you think that a minor should be able to get a tattoo without parental consent? If so, at what age do you think it should be acceptable and WHY?

III. In the Vocalics lecture, we discussed the importance of Vocalics/Paralanguage in a learning environment. Discuss your personal experiences in how the paralanguage used by a specific teacher or instructor had an influence (whether positive or negative) on your ability to learn from them. Be very specific here. What was it about their "speaking style" that had an effect on your understanding and comprehension? What advice would you offer those who are training to become teachers with respect to their paralanguage in the classroom?

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