Understood as literal physical places.

Assignment Goal: Practice thinking critically about research topics and sources. Post your completed worksheet on Blackboard.

1. You have a friend who is of Jewish heritage; however, she has no religious belief. She asks you why, if God is good, He permitted the Holocaust to happen. What would you tell her?

2. You want to convince your professor that the reading load he has assigned is too heavy, given that you also have to write a research paper. You are asking him to eliminate one book from the class assignments so that you can concentrate on your own research.

3. You are writing an article for a theological journal arguing that heaven and hell must be understood as literal, physical places.

4. You want to start exercising for 30 minutes per day, but your spouse doesn't want to. How would you kindly convince your spouse to join you?

5. You are reviewing a book manuscript for a university press. Although the book is skillfully and stylishly written, you think it may obscure or leave out some important facts that need to be pointed out. How would you point this out?

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Other Subject: Understood as literal physical places.
Reference No:- TGS0548025

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