The rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over

1. First, refer to the inaugural speeches that were given by President Obama and President Reagan, respectively.

Note that these two presidents used the Rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over those who agreed with their viewpoints, but also to win over those who held different views. Presidents, upon taking office, must appeal to the entire constituency in our country. The Rogerian method is a wonderful way for them to approach doing this as they assume office--creating common ground among the citizens of the US.

2. Next, think about a national or international issue to argue using the Rogerian method (excepting gun control and abortion, which are not permitted); examples might be:

the Syrian refugee crisis
banks that are "too large to fail" in the US and abroad
equality for women
violence against Blacks and minorities
violence against women

Then, develop (wrte) speech for that issue, using the Rogerian style of argumentation. Think about this as you write: How will you win over the other side by acknowledging and respecting the other side's position?

(You don't need to use citations, but please do not create false statistics or 'facts.' )

Refer to this video on the Rogerian form before you begin writing:

(Check the CC icon at the bottom of the screen to see the text of the speech for the video.)

Consider the pattern of the Rogerian form. Aim to have your speech follow the pattern presented in the video.

3. Next, answer the the following questions: During week seven, you are creating an argument essay (Essay #3) using the Rogerian method. Have you used this style of argumentation before in your studies or career (either verbally or in past writing assignments/projects)? Will you use it in the future? Why is it useful?

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Dissertation: The rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over
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