Suppose a central bank cares about inflation and output

Topic: Monetary Theory

1. Suppose a central bank cares about inflation and output such that it minimizes a loss function:

L= (1/2) Et i=0βit+i2 + λxt+i2]

subject to a Phillips curve relationship: πt+i = βEtπt+i+1 + κxt+i + et+i

where xt is the output gap around the natural rate, πt is inflation. σ, λ, κ, and β are coefficients, et is a cost shock.

a) Solve the problem for the first order condition under discretion and determine the value of xt.

b) Suppose now that the central bank is uncertain about the true value of κ and it now takes on a time varying form: κt = κ + vt. What kind of uncertainty does the central bank have?

c) What are the first order conditions in this case? (Note: vt and xt are uncorrelated).

d) Show how this kind of uncertainty will affect the impact of et on xt.

e) Why do some people refer to this result as 'gradualism'?

2. Suppose a central bank faces a utility function of the form U = (λ/2)(yt - yn) - ½ πt2 where yt is output around, yn, the natural rate, πt is inflation and λ is a coefficient.

Assume also that the central bank faces a supply function yt = yn + a(πt - πte) + et, where πe is expected inflation and e is a supply shock; and πt = Δmt + vt therefore inflation is driven by the money growth rate Δmt and a velocity shock, vt.

a) Calculate the optimal inflation rate, the expected level of inflation πe, output and the expected output, and then interpret the results.

b) Show that the central bank suffers from time inconsistency and explain what this means.

c) Explain how in a multi-period game with reputation, a central bank may have the incentive to resist the temptation to cheat.

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Macroeconomics: Suppose a central bank cares about inflation and output
Reference No:- TGS02660691

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