Spinal cord the chicken pox virus can reside in the

Question -

1. Spinal Cord The chicken pox virus can reside in the peripheral nerves for decades and then cause terrible pain (shingles) in certain areas of the skin. How do we know that the chicken pox virus travels through sensory spinal nerves?

2. The lazy ranch hand could almost always be found sitting around on wooden coral fences. In addition to being fired a number of times, what specific spinal nerve problem has his slack behavior made him predisposed to?

3. If a patient has had their spinal nerve cord severed just below C-7, could the patient still ventilate?

4. A student, involved in a car crash, complains that she no longer has feeling in the lateral side of her hand. Which nerve has been damaged?

5. If you have herpes zoster (i.e., shingles) lesions just above the pubic area and extending to a point above the crest of the ilium, what spinal nerve branch has been harboring the virus?

6. A patient has severed their spinal column at the neck but you notice that he still exhibits a weak patellar reflex. How can the person still display this response?

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Dissertation: Spinal cord the chicken pox virus can reside in the
Reference No:- TGS02619028

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