special type of wardsadditional accommodation

Special type of Wards:

Additional  accommodation or differences  in size and shape of some of  the special type of wards e.g. Intensive Care Ward, Infectious diseases ward and so on are given as example in the succeeding paragraphs.  Basic accommodation of essential type remains the same as discussed above. 

a)  No privacy for the patient.

b)  No freedom from noise. 

c)  Danger of  cross infection. 

d) Constant glare.

Considering the long distance that the nurse had to traverse, the nursing station was subsequently shifted to the center of  the ward. The sanitary annexes also shifted to the central area.  A few cubicles were subsequently added to house isolation patients.  In tropical climate, wide verandahs were added to protect patients from direct sun light. The modified design had the advantage  of providing plenty of fresh air, cross ventilation, natural light and the nurse had direct observation  of all the patients. 

There are many different types of pattern of nursing unit, which have been adopted by various hospitals. The plan suited to the needs should be selected after studying the prevailing  trends and extensive discussion with architect and discussion with senior members of nursing personnel.  


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Biology: special type of wardsadditional accommodation
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