Should it vary with the reasons for childrens aggression

Consider the following three perspectives on language acquisition. learning, nativist, or interactionist. Which theory do you believe to be more applicable to the acquisition of language? If your choice is in fact true, what implications should this have on parents as they assist their children in mastering language? (give examples)

Consider the cognitive development theories in chapter 5 in Lifespan development (1st edition) Kuther, T. (2017). Based on these theories, choose a theory that you ascribe to and write a 2-3 full page essay(NO MORE, NO LESS), with a reference page. Discuss why you believe it is the most accurate theory for children developing cognitive capacities.

If your choice is in fact true, what implications should this have on parents' choice of toys for their children if their goal is to maximize cognitive development? (give examples)

Discuss ( 1- 2 page essay): Why are children aggressive? Identify common reasons. How should teachers deal with aggressive children?

Should it vary with the reasons for children's aggression? Why or why not? What should they suggest to parents who have aggressive children?

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Operation Management: Should it vary with the reasons for childrens aggression
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