question 1a the chartered institute of marketing

Question 1:

(a) The Chartered Institute of Marketing describe marketing as "the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' requirements profitably". What is implied by "management process" in this definition.

(b) "The purpose of a company is to create a customer ... The only profit centre is the customer ". In light of the statement describe customers and explain the importance of customer focused strategies.

(c) The word Quality has been defined in various ways. Give three strategic definition of Quality.

(d) Show down the promises of a Customer Relationship Management system.

(e) What are the two ways of strengthening customer retention.

(f) List four of the deadly sins of marketing.

(g) Using metrics is one way of measuring success of customer centred initiatives. Describe what is meant by "metrics "and give an example of a marketing metric.

(h) What is relationship marketing and what is its main aim.

(i) What is the meaning of total employee involvement and its importance in today's organisation.

(j) What do you meant by the term ethical marketing and corporate social responsibility.

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Marketing Management: question 1a the chartered institute of marketing
Reference No:- TGS0359491

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