q1 based on an idea that fungi have pores between

Q1. Based on an idea that fungi have pores between their cell walls, allowing cytoplasm to move from one end of the mycelium to the other, which of the hypotheses is the most plausible?

Q2. If both parents should have a point mutation in their CF genes in order to create a child with CF, how common do you think the disease is in the population? Describe.

1. Why do you think another mistake doesn't just "correct" the mutation in an abnormal CF gene? What do you think the chances of this occurring would be? Evaluate this likelihood to the chance of some other event happening.

2. What other diseases are thought to be caused by the point mutations? What do point mutations do in those diseases?

3. If you discovered during genetic testing that your best friend's child had CF, what advice would you give your friend about treatments? What about resources your friend may find valuable?

4. Using what you know about point mutations and their potential effects, describe why it might be extremely risky for pregnant women to expose themselves to mutagens (things that cause mutations) during pregnancy. How can we find out a safe level of exposure?

As always, be sure to offer appropriate citations, references, and links to any information you use in this conversation.

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Biology: q1 based on an idea that fungi have pores between
Reference No:- TGS0448119

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