Prior to reading the article my impression of women in the

Prior to reading the article, my impression of women in the battlefield were that of courageous, strong and devoted individuals who were ready to die for their country. This is due to the fact that I believe only men should actively be involved at the war front. Because women in battlefield is not common based on my experience, I thought only the strongest and bold will dare to go to the battlefield. Jaquette's article really sheds light on some of these few extraordinary women who put their lives on the line to fight for independence and for the betterment of the future generation, but unfortunately do not get the recognition they deserve.

One of the famous women in US history that I admire is Rosa Parks whose actions has sparked our modern day civil right movement. Parks refused to give up her seat to a white patron on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. In part due to her actions, the supreme court outlawed segregation in transit systems in 1956. This single act has contributed to the freedom and equal right we all have in the public transits regardless of skin color. Despite knowing the consequences of her actions, she was determined to fight for a change which eventually happened.

In regards to my overall view of the Mexican Revolution based on the article, our readings so far as well as the murals studied, I think the revolution was a very difficult time period for the people. I have come to appreciate the people, especially women of this period and others in history who did similar acts the more. Reading the article about Mexican Revolution for the first time, not for once did I think about women getting involved in the battlefied, acting as messengers, spyes etc and suffering ill treatments in the hands of their enemies all in an attempt to fight for a change.

With the debate about gender of the America's president, I had a strong feeling the only reason Hillary Clinton did not win is because she was a woman in my opinion. I believe people were just not comfortable with a female "ruler" which is not the norm we have come to know and accept. A male friend of mine made a statement during the 2016 election period when we were having a discussion. He said "there is no way America will ever have a female president". Women however have proven time and again throughout history that they are capable of doing everything men can do and even better. I believe the time has come for gender to be put aside and focus more on the capabilities of the individual regardless of the gender. Hoping that my friend will be proven wrong and we will all be alive to witness a female elected as a president of America.

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