Prepare marketing research for understanding blogs and

Prepare Marketing research for Understanding Blogs and Private Communities

Multiple readings should not be combined in one paper unless otherwise directed by the Instructor.

• Must be typed, #12 font, single-spaced, no more than ¾ page in length.
• Mini Papers must be submitted as PDFs; File names must adhere to the following format:

o Full title of the article, document, or website; source (if given), and author/s (if given).
o Student's name (first and last name)
o 2 Elements:

1. 3 key takeaways (lessons learned). No more than 2-3 sentences on each of the 3 key takeaways or lessons learned from the article. Each point should be numbered 1, 2, or 3.

2. A key question the reading evoked for you but did not answer.

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Marketing Management: Prepare marketing research for understanding blogs and
Reference No:- TGS01120708

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