Portion of the sphenoid bone that rises up and forms a

Question: 1. The only movable bone in the skull

2. Portion of the sphenoid bone that rises up and forms a saddle-shaped mass within the cranial cavity

3. The opening in the skull, which the spinal chord passes through to become the medulla oblongata

4. joins the parietal bones along the lambdoidal suture

5. Is located in the posterior portion of the temporal bone. It is one of the two projections situated behind the ear

6. an opening in the sphenoid bone of the cranium for the trigeminal nerve and meningeal artery

7. is located in the upper posterior portion of the skull that joins the parietals and the occipital bones

8. is a prominent opening in the temporal bone, which is located behind (or posterior) to the mastoid process

9. develops to form the hard palate of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity. If not closed properly during development it can form a cleft palate

10. the passageway for the hypoglossal nerves

  • Mandible
  • SerllaTucica
  • Foramen magnum
  • Occipital bone
  • Mastoid process
  • Foramen ovale
  • Lamboid structure
  • Mastoid foramen
  • The median palatine sutures
  • Hypoglossal canal

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Management Theories: Portion of the sphenoid bone that rises up and forms a
Reference No:- TGS02377993

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