Logical instructions of 8051

Question 1:

Elucidate the interrupts accessible in Microcontroller 8051.

Question 2:

Write down the BSR control words to set PC0 and to reset PC4 in the 8255.

Question 3:

In brief discuss about the Logical instructions of 8051. Provide example.

Question 4:

Write down the operations which are performed when 8051 executes the instruction MOVC A,@A+DPTR?

Question 5:

Illustrate out the successive approximation technique in ADC.

Question 6:

How keyboard debouncing is completed by software.

Question 7:

Mention the features of 8096 microcontroller.

Question 8:

List all the numerous types of buses accessible in the 8096.

Question 9:

In the pipelined instruction, why does a branching instruction, introduce the extra cycle in the CPU’s execution of instruction.

Question 10:

Provide the operation performed when the instruction bsf TRISA, 2 is executed.

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Operating System: Logical instructions of 8051
Reference No:- TGS012888

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