lane-changing behavior - traffic congestion lane

Lane-Changing Behavior - Traffic Congestion

Lane changing occurs when a vehicle is overtaking another vehicle on an overtaking lane or a multi-lane section of the road. In order to make a lane-changing, the road must have alternative lane. The car-following between the vehicles lead vehicles to make a lane-changing when they have an opportunity to do so. The lanechanging decision is simplest than car following decision because lane-changing decision depends on several objectives that may contradict each other.  

There are two possibilities that may occur here, either vehicles remain waiting behind the bus or decide to change the lane before the bus operate. He found out that the delay will reduce when the bus start to move and normally, the other vehicles will not wait behind the bus until the bus is moving.

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Other Subject: lane-changing behavior - traffic congestion lane
Reference No:- TGS0208307

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