In what ways can language and poetry be seen as a central

The essay should be done using these texts

Joseph von Eichendorff, Aus dem Leben eines Tagenichts

Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen

Students are required to write one essay in English of approx. 1800 words on the semester 1 ‘Nation and Community’ theme. The essay is due by 5.00 p.m. on Monday 10 December (week 13). Essays should be submitted via the Blue Box outside the secretarial office on the ground floor of the Hetherington Building.

Please choose ONE of the following titles:

1. In what ways and to what extent are borders and boundaries involved in the construction of national, communal or individual identity? Discuss in relation to the texts/films you have studied, making reference as appropriate to the material covered in the core lectures.

2. In what ways can language and poetry be seen as a central issue in the construction of nations and/or community? Discuss in relation to the texts/films you have studied, making reference as appropriate to the material covered in the core lectures.

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Humanities: In what ways can language and poetry be seen as a central
Reference No:- TGS0622773

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