in drosophila these genes occur on chromosome 4h

In Drosophila, these genes occur on chromosome 4.

H - wild type (normal)     h - hairy

F - wild type                   f - frizzled

E - wild type                  e - vestigial

The cross HFE  x  hfe   yielded the following:

    Hfe         hfe

HFE - 393    HFe - 28

h f e - 409   h f E- 30

H f e - 58    H f E -  1

h F E - 80    h F e -   1

a. (2 pts.)  Which group in the progeny represents double cross-overs?  Parental types?

b. (1 pt.)  What is the correct gene order?

c. (7 pts.)  Compute for the distance between genes and draw the linkage map.

d. (2 pts.)  Compute for coefficient of coincidence and interference.

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Biology: in drosophila these genes occur on chromosome 4h
Reference No:- TGS0204816

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