Illustrate a uml state diagram showing the dynamic state

Illustrate a UML state diagram showing the dynamic state transitions of a task (thread). It has the following transition rules:

(1) A thread, upon its creation, is ready for execution. It is placed at the tail of the ready-thread list corresponding to its priority.

(2) At any point in time, there is only one running thread on a single-processor system. When there is currently no thread running, for an OS conforming to the POSIX.1 standard, it will select the thread that is at the head of HNERT, removing it from HNERT and then voluntarily transferring the execution control to it.

(3) When the running thread's priority i is no longer the highest-say, a task with a priority higher than i becomes ready-it is preempted and becomes the head of the level i ready-thread list (this rule conforms to the SCHED_FIFO policy). Another thread is selected as the new running thread.

(4) When the running thread, with priority i, has used up its time quantum enforced by its scheduling policy, it becomes the tail of the level i ready-thread list (this rule conforms to the SCHED_RR policy). Another thread is selected as the new running thread.

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Business Management: Illustrate a uml state diagram showing the dynamic state
Reference No:- TGS01651676

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