If an elementary school student is having difficulty

Discussion: If an elementary school student is having difficulty learning math, what are the possible cognitive issues that could be interfering with the student's learning? For each cognitive issue you identify, what other deficits might also be observed? Focus on possible cognitive deficits while providing examples to support your thinking.

Compose a post of one to two paragraphs.

References: Baddeley, A. D. (2001). Is working memory still working?. American Psychologist, 56(11), 851- 864. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.56.11.851

Swanson, H. L., Jerman, O., & Zheng, X. (2008). Growth in working memory and mathematical problem solving in children at risk and not at risk for serious math difficulties. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 100(2), 343-379. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.100.2.343

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