How technology will be used to help design unit


First Grade Math

- Include an introduction that describes the unit's basic purpose; the student population; and any prior knowledge, concepts, and other prerequisites students will need to participate in the unit.

- List 4 learning objectives or instructional objectives for the unit following ABCD format and working with Bloom's Taxonomy and measure verbs. Describe how technology will be used to help design the unit. (These technologies include, but are not limited to, printers, scanners, digital cameras, word processors, duplication services, videos, and Web 2.0 Tools.)

- Explain how technology is used.

- Describe the use of these technologies, in detail, in at least four activities within the unit. Describe how technology will be used to assess and evaluate the unit. Identify how students will be assessed and how technology will aid in that assessment. Include technologies such as electronic grade books, iPads, Smart Boards, smart phones, quizzes and tests graded by scanners and companies such as Mastery Manager or other IMSs (instructional management systems).Describe how these assessment tools will contribute to /be used in the summative evaluation of the unit and the formative and summative evaluations of individual students.

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Other Subject: How technology will be used to help design unit
Reference No:- TGS01913711

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