How many grams of carbohcompletion intervals which are open

Kelly (66 kg) is a 48-year-old race walker who participates in half marathons. She walks 5–6 days per week at a moderate to high intensity. Kelly makes an appointment with you to determine how much carbohydrate she should be consuming daily to keep her glycogen levels as high as possible. She is also interested in knowing how to properly “carbohydrate load” the week before a race.

Questions: How many grams of carbohcompletion intervals which are open but have not started producing ? what does this meanydrate would you recommend Kelly consume on a daily basis? What suggestions do you have for Kelly for carbohydrate loading 5–7 days prior to her races?

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Other Subject: How many grams of carbohcompletion intervals which are open
Reference No:- TGS0589417

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