How continuous quality improvement relevant to health care

Q1. Explain how continuous quality improvement is relevant to health care today. Compare the FOCUS-PDCA model with the Model for Improvement and discuss how both can be used to improve quality in a health care environment.  Provide References.

Q2. Provide examples of misuse, overuse, and underuse in the provision of health care. How could continuous quality improvement impact these situations? What would you suggest to improve quality in each of these areas?  Provide References.

Q3. Performance measures and quality metrics are widely used in health care. Yet, evidence has shown conflicting results as to whether this type of measurement consistently leads to improvements in quality of care and patient outcomes. Read "Building a Culture of Safety and Quality: The Paradox of Measurement," located in the topic Resources, and answer the question on what the unintended consequences of quality measurement are.  Provide References.

Q4. Suggest three initial steps an organization should take upon identifying deficiencies in quality. What might be some challenges to addressing those deficiencies and putting the steps into action?  Provide References.

Q5. Consult Case Study 6.2, "Preventive Services at Greenwood Family Medicine," in Chapter 6 in the textbook. What did you immediately notice about the dynamics of the team? Who had the most authority? Why was this team ineffective in accomplishing its goals? What could the team members have done differently to collaborate more effectively? Provide References.

Q6. How might a variety in factors such as employment background, education, and experience working in a health care setting contribute both positively and negatively to team dynamics among health care professionals?  Provide References.

Q7. Quality improvement is a continual process that recognizes changing patient needs and updates both clinical and administrative processes to meet those needs and provide the best possible care. How can social marketing assist with this notion of changing patient needs? How does a better understanding of the target customer or patient enhance a health care organization's ability to meet patients' needs?  Provide References.

Q8. Big data is used for quality assurance and improvement in health care. Provide an example where big data was able to help produce results for quality improvement in the last five years. Furthermore, demonstrate how big data helped in the fight against COVID-19.  Provide References.

Q9. Describe how Six Sigma first developed and evolved over time. When did it enter the health care field and what has the impact been since then?  Provide References.

Q10. What is one of the greatest financial obstacles to achieving quality in health care? Explain.  Provide References.

Q11. Compare the three types of errors that a health care organization needs to be prepared for: skill-based, rule-based, and knowledge-based errors. Speculate as to what would happen if one of these measures were to fail. How can an organization reduce the likelihood of each of these errors occurring in a health care setting?  Provide References.

Q12. Illustrate the various tools that the Joint Commission recommends health care organizations use to ensure high quality and patient safety. Provide an example of how these tools can ensure continuous quality improvement.  Provide References.

Q13. What social and economic factors contributed to the quality of health care outcomes in communities during the COVID-19 outbreak? Discuss how CQI principles were applied, improving public health.  Provide References.

Q14. How can an understanding of the relationship between microsystems and macrosystems facilitate efforts to improve the quality of public health? Evaluate both micro and macro factors that contribute to the overall health of a community.

Q15. What do you envision quality improvement initiatives will look like in the next 10-20 years for government, nonprofit, and for-profit health care organizations? Do you foresee them remaining relatively independent or becoming increasingly entwined? Support your answer.  Provide References.

Q16. According to the textbook, the fundamental aims of a health care system are to achieve better patient outcomes, system performance, and professional development. What are some ways that health care organizations can involve administrative professionals, clinical providers, and physicians to reach this collective goal? Provide References.

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