Him 215 - note which specialty each scenario belongs to and

For the questions below, note which specialty each scenario belongs to and what the main term is, and assign the appropriate CPT codes.


In the physician office setting, the first-listed procedure (or service) is usually assigned a code from the CPT Evaluation and Management (E/M) section. The only except to this rule is when the patient undergoes office surgery (e.g., excision of benign lesion), in which case a code is assigned from the CPT Surgery section (instead of the CPT E/M Section).

NOTE: If the patient receives E/M services during the same encounter as office surgery, and the E/M services resulted in performing the office surgery add modifier -25 to the E/M code. Report the CPT Surgery code as the first-listed code and the CPT E/M code as the secondary code (adding modifier -25).

1042_Secondary Procedures or Services.png

Secondary Procedure(s) or Service(s)

Secondary procedures (or services) are usually less complex than the first-listed procedure.

Secondary procedures are assigned CPT and HCPCS Level II codes, and they may require the addition of a modifier. Refer to the appendix of modifiers, located at the back of your CPT and HCPCS level II coding manuals. Third-party payers typically discount payment of secondary procedures by 50%.

1163_Secondary Procedures or Services1.png

Assign the specialty, main term and CPT code(s) to the following:

1. Anesthesia for bilateral vasectomy
Main term:
CPT Code:

2. Breath test for alcohol
Main term:
CPT Code:

3. Intradermal tuberculosis TB test
Main term:
CPT Code:

4. Anesthesia for repair of cleft palate
Main term:
CPT Code:

5. Definitive drug Screening for amphetamine
Main term:
CPT Code:

6. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test
Main term:
CPT Code:

7. Suction lipectomy, lower right leg
Main term:
CPT Code:

8. Excision of benign lesions on chest, 0.4 cm with simple closure
Main term:
CPT Code:

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Dissertation: Him 215 - note which specialty each scenario belongs to and
Reference No:- TGS02667503

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